Cinderella Beauty Parlour Puthiyatheru,Kannur
Professional Bridal Makeup & Ladies Tailoring

Location: Cinderella Beauty Parlour is located at Puthiyatheru(Techno Centre) in Kannur District,Kerala.It is situated 4 KM north of Kannur Town.Cinderella is one of the quality beauty services firm in Kannur.

About: Cinderella Beauty Parlour, A complete Makeover studio for ladies and kids by ladies, with a homely touch in hospitality.

Why Cinderella?: We offer an outstanding array of skin and body treatments and the art of hair design and color.Cinderella beauty parlour integrates beauty, health and wellness into daily living, helping you look and feel better than ever before.

Offered Services: Cinderella Puthiyatheru services includes-Hair cutting,Hair colouring,Hair spa,Hair wash,Hair treatments,Waxing,Manicur/Pedicure,Threading, Bleach,Facial,Bridal makeup etc.We have to do out door Professional Bridal Makeup works.

We have one Ladies Tailoring and Our mission is to make quality dress stitching and fitness wear accessible to ladies & Kids at affordable prices.

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Our Contact Details

Name Cinderella Beauty Parlour
Address :Techno Centre
Place :Puthiyatheru,Kannur
Contact Number :7012858911,8113035532
E-mail :[email protected]

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